Saturday, April 3, 2010

April is Poetry Month Poetry Project Poem # 1....

Poem #1

On the days precipice candles are lit
As we yawn and recite our prayers
Into blankets at the foot of our beds.
What is warmth if not an invitation to
Seclusion and reverie?
In our dreams we trample over our wishes
And lament at what we can no longer possess
Or have never gotten in the first place.
Here we are simply projecting onto others images
Our grandest wishes, our worst fears,
As we wait for them to speak or whisper into
Our ears what we want to hear
And if we don’t wake in a pool of our
Own sweat and jump up as if a robber
Were breaking in or climbing through our
Window, an incomprehensible emptiness
Replaces the tears running down our cheeks
Because we cannot remember where we’ve been
Only where we wanted to go before the sun rises…

by Micah Zevin 2010

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