Friday, March 12, 2010

Bass Sol Take V: Hey What happened to the first 4 takes man? Well...

Bass Solo Take V

Extinguish flames from exhaust pipes
Smash horizontal mannequins right
Between the eyes when they refuse
To come home with you and submit
To your wildest fantastical whims.
Take the blowtorch out of the garage
And some clay and multicolored paint;
You are tired of others telling you
How people should be and want to
Construct your own Pinocchio, Cyborg,
Human being out of its silent wooden pieces,
Until there is a glimmer in its eye
You’ve never seen before.
And then, just when it seems ready to
Speak, move its arms, ask you for your name,
You plug in your saw and start to saw as it
Screams, cries and bleeds chips, as if it just
Learned how to, until it is a silent
Pile of dust, and you are in its way again
While its remains blow in the wind,
Your Frankenstein monster…

by Micah Zevin 2010

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi all
My name is Tom, I live in Fort Worth, TX.

I am here to network / interact with other people for sharing knowledge, discussing ideas, seeking advice, find business partners & the like.

So how is everyone doing?? :)