Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Battle of the Hysterical Brain...letters from the war torn

Post War

When morning's palpitations lament
He exits a drowsily constructed tent
a clown tired of the juggling maze
rather be inhabiting a Hendrixian haze
erase conciousness from his temple's altar
inevitably, the brains soft shell cracks and falters.

Words parachute like skydivers delcared heaven spent
He's asked by his "friends the media" what's his bent?
Do child prodigy conformist rebels go through phases?
get taken in by the latest fads or fashion crazes
or every five seconds dream of women wearing halters
Will you smile like the fish who reeled in his potential captors?...

Micah Zevin 2007


andrew schenker said...

I dig this one. Is it part of your novel in verse?

Lianna said...

Ditto...what Andrew said.